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Our Story

Back in 2013 our family purchased a 2 acre property and fulfilled a dream that we never thought would happen. We have always had some sort of a garden for growing fresh vegetables, but never had enough room to grow an adequate amount.
Our family has suffered through cancers 4 times with three family members. Because we live in a toxic environment and food manufacturers are pumping out processed foods our desire to eat healthy and grow healthy has become a crusade. This farm was born out of the desire to live a more healthy lifestyle and have an abundance of choices in foods, hence Father and Son Farm was born. Our property has been transformed into a farm over the past years. Father and Son are really excited that we can now share the great food that is being raised here at Father and Son Farm. We will only grow with Organic Standards so that everything we grow is as healthy as it could possibly be. We are not Organically certified as the cost is not feasible  on a small farm .
    We are devoted to providing only the freshest and most healthy food available locally. Please support Father and Son Farm as it helps us to make a living and helps you get the freshest of food for your family. Thank You for your continued support. Eat Healthy! Be Healthy!

                                                                                                                 Your Local Farmers,
                                                                                                                Dave & Nick Bresnyan


© 2017 Father and Son Farm

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